Kyle Cray

Kyle Cray

Biographical Info Kyle Cray believes in making sure clients get representation that is as personal and unique as their cases. As someone who has been in serious car crashes, has a young family, and has been a student at Purdue, Kyle is proud to have a personal connection to his work. “I consider the most important part of my job to be taking the time to connect with my clients, truly understand how they got in their situation, and then help” Kyle explained. Kyle’s personal injury practice focuses with emphasis on trucking injury cases and other cases involving complex injuries and liability. On the family law side, he has experience in litigating complex family law matters, including highly contested custody, parenting time and relocation issues; divorce asset and debt division; and protective orders cases. He also has in-depth experience helping Purdue students facing serious criminal and disciplinary issues navigate the disciplinary experience to keep their student status. “At its core, my job is helping my clients tell their story,” Kyle said. “Whether it’s the story of a crash, a changing family dynamic, or the unique circumstances that led to the commission of a crime, I listen and help clients navigate the law.” Among Kyle’s most memorable cases at BB&C are multiple instances of helping exonerate Purdue students in Title IX investigations involving violence and sexual assault allegations through in-depth fact investigations uncovering exculpatory video evidence and eyewitness statements. He has also won acquittals and dismissals in multiple Operating While Intoxicated (DUI) cases, including successfully excluding certified breath test evidence. Kyle has also helped recover millions of dollars for personal injury clients in his time with BB&C. “Recently, I had a significant multi-truck and passenger vehicle crash in federal court that involved complex questions in liability and medical causation,” Kyle recalled. “It’s very rewarding to spend a lot of time working through complicated issues and ultimately help our client to an outstanding outcome.” “Regardless of whether I’m litigating a complex multi-defendant civil case in federal court or working directly with individuals in state court for a child custody battle or major felony criminal case, my focus is on making sure I have the greatest depth of understanding of the relevant law and persuasively telling my client’s story to advocate for their best possible outcome.” Kyle grew up in Lafayette – graduating from Lafayette Jeff before heading across the Wabash to Purdue University. After graduating from the Krannert School of Management at Purdue, Kyle attended the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, where he was named to the Order of the Barristers and selected as a competition trial team member. Kyle received hands-on criminal trial experience even prior to leaving law school as a certified intern working in the Major Felony Division of the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office in Indianapolis. Since graduating from law school, Kyle was invited to be a continuing legal education speaker for an Indiana Trial Lawyers Association seminar on the Senior Consumer Protection Act statute after successfully pursuing a claim under the statute for an elderly client. When he’s not litigating, Kyle enjoys traveling, hiking, photography, and spending time with his wife, Cara, and their young child and dog in his free time.

Firm or Place of Practice BB&C Attorneys at Law – Lafayette, Indiana

Office Address 415 Columbia Street, Suite 1000 Lafayette, IN 47901

Phone (765) 742-9066

Practice Area(s)
Alcohol or Drug Offenses, Criminal Law, Divorce, Elder Law/Medicaid, Expungements, Family Law, Personal Injury, Probate/Estate Admin, Special Driving Privileges, Trusts, Wills, or Estate Planning, University Discipline, Wrongful Death

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